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What is VitaE8?


VitaE8 is the ultimate antioxidant formula.  See below to learn how VitaE8 can benefit you and your loved ones.

VitaE8 is based on exciting new science surrounding the eight vitamin E molecules Mother Nature has provided us. The science on vitamin E has been increasing since its first therapeutic use in 1938.  Over the last 10 years, it has become evident that taking vitamin E supplements without all eight vitamin E molecules may actually do more harm than good.

The reasons will soon become quite simple and clear, but first a disturbing fact …

Most vitamin E supplements on the market today contain only one of the eight vitamin E molecules. The handful of supplements that do contain all eight vitamin E isomers, have a completely unnatural ratio. In other words, these vitamin E supplements are not what Mother Nature intended, nor could ever provide.

“Most vitamin E supplements on the market today do not contain all eight molecules needed for vitamin E to function properly.”

Although the science will continue to advance, it appears the most important of the group, gamma tocopherol, is the one most likely not found in your vitamin supplement.  Even if present, the amount of “commercial” vitamin E will keep this vitamin E isomer from functioning properly.

There is a natural balance between the vitamin E isomers that exist in nature and this balance is important for human health. Research documents a natural competition between the vitamin E isomers and enhanced intake of one will limit the availability and functionality of the others.

This is very important information because we are just starting to discover the unique actions of the different vitamin E isomers. We now know that gamma tocopherol provides unique antioxidant protection against one of the most damaging oxidative reactions.

Unlike commonly available products, VitaE8 contains all 8 naturally occurring forms of vitamin E as found in fresh, whole foods.

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